Tree & Landscaping Standards


The purpose of this section is to promote the proper planting and preservation of trees in the Town of Beaufort.

The Board of Commissioners has determined the planting and preservation of trees within the Town of Beaufort is not only desirable but essential to the present and future health, safety and welfare of all the citizens.

It is intent this section is to enhance the Town of Beaufort by:

• Regulating the preservation of protected and exceptional trees.

• Regulating the planting of street trees.

• Providing standards for trees, shrubs and their planting.

• Providing a list of native trees, shrubs and their characteristics.

Encouraging the preservation and planting of trees is in the best interest of the health, safety and welfare of present and future citizens. This also helps the Town comply with EPA storm water Phase II rules for small municipal separate storm sewer systems. These rules govern storm water runoff, aquifer recharge, and other environmental concerns. 

If you plan to plant a tree in front of your property in the Town's right of way, please contact Town Hall at (252) 728-2141.