Code Red Sign Up

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Sign up for Carteret County's Code Red Emergency Weather Notification System at the link below.



Emergency Notification

CodeRED is a telephone (landline and cellular) communication service that allows us to quickly notify the public and visitors about emergency and health situations. 

It’s easy for you and your family members to register simply go to the following registration link and fill out the required information.

Click here to sign up!

[CodeRED Logo WW Opens in new window]

CodeRed FAQ

What is CodeRED and why is it important to me?
CodeRED can notify Carteret County residents and visitors by telephone, cellular phone, text message, or electronic mail about emergency situations or critical health alerts. The system is capable of sending messages only to specific neighborhoods or the entire county.

Does this mean Carteret County will be calling me constantly?
No. Carteret County respects your privacy. CodeRED will be used when emergency situations arise that you should know about.

The system will be used to send messages only to those residents and visitors directly affected by a particular event. For example, if you happen to live in an area for which a "boil water" advisory has been issued due to a water main break, CodeRED will call only you and your neighbors to deliver that very important health advisory.

If there is a county wide emergency, all Carteret County residents and visitors will be contacted by the method of their choice and kept up-to-date on developments.

For what kinds of situations may CodeRED be used?
Major severe weather impacts, substantial utility outage, evacuation notices, missing or lost persons, significant criminal situations, chemical spill or gas leak.