High Rate Infiltration Basin Permitting

The developer of the Beau Coast residential development was issued a permit to construct and operate package wastewater treatment plant and high-rate infiltration facilities to serve the planned development
on February 8, 2008. The high-rate infiltration basin (HRIB) was designed as a single pond with a capacity of 350,000 gallons per day (gpd) to received treated effluent from the packaged wastewater treatment
plant . The developer's permit was subsequently modified on June 22, 2009 to remove the previously permitted wastewater treatment package plant and to change the source of effluent for disposal in the basin
to the Town of Beaufort's treatment facility. The permit was again modified on February 12, 2014 such that the Town became the permitee. The permit subsequently expired an December 31, 2016. As such,
the goal of this "project" will be to acquire a new permit. To achieve this goal, groundwater monitoring and hydraulic modeling will need to be performed. Design plans for the basin will also need to be
developed thereafter. A permitting package will then be assembled consisting of the monitoring and modeling findings, the design plans and the required application forms.